長度/Length:2min 22 sec
技術/Technique:2D電腦動畫 2D Animation
生活中,總是有股不可違抗的力量 , 在阻止我們前進,我們好像逆境中的主角,永遠無法在引力的作用下獨自起飛,追求想像中的自由,彷彿生活就是不斷的和的地心引力戰鬥,就像十七世紀時的牛頓 先生一樣。但是就算樹上的蘋果再怎麼高不可攀,青澀綠色的也會漸漸轉紅,當我們不經意時,它已隨著地心引力落到促手可及地上了。
In our life, there is always an irresistible force to impede us from progressing. By playing the leading role in an adverse circumstance, it seems that we can never fly independently against the power of gravitation while in searching of the imaginative freedom. For us, life is nothing more than an endless battle with gravity, just like Newton in the 17th century. Nonetheless, no matter how it is hard to reach the apple up high on the tree, the green apple will undoubtedly turn to red one day; at the moment as we are most careless, the apple, affected by the gravity, has fallen to the ground within reach.
趙大威 Chao, Ta-Wei
He graduated CalArts in 2009.