長度/Length:2min 8 sec
技術/Technique:3D動畫/2D動畫 3D/2D Animation
小森巴穿上媽媽送的紅外套、藍褲子,拿著爸爸給的綠傘出門探險。 有四隻黃色老虎要吃小森巴,可是小森巴把身上的紅外套、藍褲子、藍鞋、紅傘送給那四隻老虎,求他們不要吃他。後來,四隻老虎碰見了,展開一場森林爭霸戰,彼此互不相讓,在一棵樹下轉圈追逐互咬,結果越跑越快,黃色的身體逐漸溶化成黃色的奶油。小森巴躲在樹後目睹一切經過,森巴爸爸剛好經過,就用手上提的水桶,裝滿老虎奶油得意洋洋地回家,讓媽媽用老虎奶油煎了香噴噴、呈現老虎條紋的煎餅,小森巴一口氣就吃掉169片。
The little Samba put on the red coat and blue pants that his mum gave to him, took the green umbrella given by his daddy with him, he is ready for a fantastic exploration. There are four tigers eager to taste the little Samba, but the little fellow offered the four tigers his red coat, blue pants, blue shoes, and red umbrella and begged them not to eat him. Later on, a horrible fight was launched in the forest as the four beasts run into each other; it was surely an earth-shattering fight, the fierce animals circled around, chased and snapped one other, as they ran faster and faster, the yellow body melted gradually into milky cream. Hiding behind a tree, the little Samba saw everything, at this instant, the daddy of little Samba passed by, he came with a bucket in his hand and filled it with tiger cream, then they went home proudly together. The mummy of Samba used tiger cream for frying pancakes with tiger stripes on them; the little Samba ate 169 pieces in one breath.
Tomorrow Studio Corp., founded by Mr. Sayling Wen and Mr. Tsai Chih-Chung, devotes chiefly to the integration of humanity and technology, with enterprise project management, to classify and develop the most valuable creative assets of humankind. The main operation goal of Tomorrow is to facilitate the acquirement of in-depth knowledge in an interesting fashion and to allow the dissemination of high-quality contents in a prompt way.