長度/Length:3 min
技術/Technique:2D電腦動畫2D Animation
Buddhism was established by Sakyamuni. Buddhism’s spread on a large scale because of Ashoka of Maurya Dynasty. The India king‘s incredible life becomes the best creative theme which combined ancient civilization and modern technology. He fought with other countries with the armed force all his life and had a great achievement. One day after the war was over, Ashoka was sick of the brutality of the war all of a sudden. Which led him to adopt Buddhism by a eminent monk and he delivered Budha dharma the rest of his life. He ropagated the Buddhidm and led people looking toward the good side of their heart. He also carved the Buddhism doctrine and law on a stone pillar. He devoted himself to the preservation and transmission of Buddhism.
慧元數位媒體(The Wisdom Digital Media Co., Ltd.)
慧元數位媒體公司長期致力於佛教內容現代化的表現與傳達,於2002年結合禪宗公案與網路媒體,創作「大慧集」www.thewisdom.com.tw 網路動畫推動心靈娛樂,希望透過生動活潑的影音表現與現代網路科技將佛教思想普及各年齡層,目前已製作完成的作品計有大慧集禪畫100則(包含書籍、DVD)、謢生故事100則(DVD)、十八羅漢鼓之目蓮救母60分鐘動畫(DVD)、聖嚴法師108自在語動畫25則、心五四兒童生活教育動畫11則及自在神童動畫30則
The Wisdom Digital Media Co., Ltd. is focus in modernize Buddhism spirit by creative content. In 2002 published 「Zen Wisdom」products with multimedia and internet. Through animation to drive joyfully mind. Wish through lively video and internet tech to popularize the power of Buddha, and promote to in all ages. At present cinema has 「Zen Wisdom」100 units(Including Books and DVD), Healthy Life Series 100 units(DVD), 18LuoHan Drum: Mu Lian save mother animation( 60 minutes DVD), Master Sheng Yen: 108 Adages of Wisdom animation 25 units and New Five four Child life education animation 10 units.