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執行長序 Foreword from the CEO

台北數位藝術中心繼2009年魔幻動畫展,今年邀請了旅居台灣非常關心台灣文化發展的法籍動畫導演Karim Turbez和台灣動畫創作者張正霖攜手策劃KINETOSCOPE-活影活現動畫展,原初的策展理念以偶動畫和一部動畫片的製作過程為展覽軸心,藉由兩位策展人對於台灣動畫產業的熟悉,嘗試性邀請台灣動畫創意公司參與展出,由於動畫製作須投入龐大資源和許多商業性的行銷策略,因此在台灣屬於個人獨立創作比較少見,但出乎意料地多數動畫公司對此展覽有著正面的肯定與參與意願,促成了這次動畫產業首度結合在台灣數位藝術的領域之下,聯合發表作品,添增了KINETOSCOPE-活影活現動畫展的特殊性,這次的展覽不但可以讓觀眾進一步了解台灣的動畫產業,並且搶先觀賞多部尚未公開播映的影片。
    台北數位藝術中心在暑假期間將舉辦多場動畫導覽、論壇和工作坊,為了使觀眾進一步了解偶動畫的製作過程,還特地邀請日本偶動畫師比嘉兄弟(Higa bros.)來台參與創作論壇和偶動畫研習營,此次展覽不僅跨足動畫產業界,並與學界和社區共同合作推廣台灣動畫,台北數位藝術中心歡迎大眾進入偶動畫的奇幻世界。


Foreword from the CEO

Followed by the “ANIMA” Exhibition 2009 held at Digital Art Centre, Taipei Karim Turbez, the famous French animation director, who resides in Taiwan and has constantly been concerned about the development of Taiwan culture, is invited by the organizer, to work with Taiwan animation creator, Cheng-Lin CHANG, for the planning of KINETOSCOPE Animation Festival 2010. The original design is to choose puppets animation and production process of a certain animation as the core of exhibition, furthermore, several Taiwan animation creation companies are expected to participate under the invitation of both organizers with rich experiences and know-how in the area. Since numerous resources and commercial marketing strategies are required by animation production, the individual creations are relatively rare in Taiwan. However, beyond our expectation, quite a few animation companies confirm the accomplishment of exhibition and express their enthusiasm for participation, which facilitates the first joint display of Taiwan animation industry of digital art, also enhances the uniqueness of KINETOSCOPE Animation Festival. The visitors are not only allowed to better understand Taiwan animation industry, but also to be the spectators enjoying several films before the public display.
Three major sections constitute the KINETOSCOPE Animation Festival, namely, Taiwan animation industry, Individual Animation Works, and Denmark Animation Workshop, apart from the original works of ten Taiwan animation companies, the section of individual animation works includes the partaking of six domestic and international individual creators; four of their works are from the US, Germany, and Taiwan respectively, although highly different in style, but personal characteristics are well kept. The animations of these three sections are strong distinguished in terms of content conception, media materials application, and creation style, forming the uniqueness of KINETOSCOPE Animation Festival.
Digital Art Centre, Taipei schedules a number of animation exhibition guides, forums and workshops during the summer vacation. In order to let visitors further realize the production process of puppets animation, the Centre especially invites Higa brothers, the eminent puppets animation masters in Japan to Taiwan for taking part in the creation forum and puppets animation seminar. The exhibition 2010 broadly covers the animation industry, with the aim to promote Taiwan animation in collaboration with academic domain and community. Digital Art Centre, Taipei enthusiastically welcome each one of you to join us and enter the fantastic world of puppets animation.

執行長 黃文浩
