技術/Technique:3D電腦動畫 3D Animation
The animation serials, "Little Sun" is adopted from the story, "Little Sun," written by famous Taiwan writer Linliang. "Little Sun" is Linliang's most popular prose collection. It has earned many literature awards. In the book, he records many "first times in his life," including getting married, establishing a family, having child and becoming a father of three little girls. These touching moments that are not re-curable has been written vividly into the book by Linliang with his unique and fluent style, humorous attitude to mark the happiness of the daily routine in a little family.
studio2 是以動畫創作開發為主要形式的動畫原創公司,除了自行開發之外,業務同時也包含數位化後製作、電影特效合成等。studio2多年來致力於動畫影片的製作與企劃,導演邱立偉並於2007年獲美國政府邀請至紐約市法拉盛藝術村舉行錄影藝術展覽。studio2動畫作品多次於國內外影展獲獎與展出,包括提名2007金馬獎最佳視覺效果、2005金馬獎最佳創作短片,30屆與35屆金穗獎最佳動畫片、臺北電影節城市影展首獎、2009臺灣經濟部評選年度最佳動畫片、韓國首爾國際動畫影展競賽片入圍、經濟部國際級動畫電影雛型獎總決選..等等,以及西班牙、法國、德國等歐洲各國動畫影展競賽片。
studio 2 is a creative team that focuses on animation feature films, including TV, DVD, and 35mm Film. Works from Studio 2 have taken part in domestic and international film exhibitions and been nominated as the Best Creative Movies in Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival, Model Movie in Pusan Asian Short Film Festivals, Movie of Contest in Animadrid International Animation Festival, and Movie of Contest in Rio De Janeiro Short Film Exhibition. In addition, works from Studio 2 have won prizes like Champion in Taipei Film Festival and the Best Animation in The Golden Harvest Award for Short Film and Video. Operations in Studio 2 also cover digital post-production, special effects combinations, and so on.