技術/Technique:3D電腦動畫3D animation
OOPS! 惡搞兔勢力:關於住在同一個屋簷下的4隻寵物兔之間發生的趣事。主角搗蛋鬼OB發揮創意將家中的日常生活用品改裝成搞笑武器,來對抗他的死對頭--驕傲的姊妹花DOMO2。精力旺盛的搗蛋鬼OB是個創意無限的發明王,他和死黨GAMA在浪跡街頭多年後終於被人收養了,但沒想到同一個屋簷下居然住了寵物界的當紅明星DOMO2姐妹花!目中無人的DOMO2讓OB忍不住想要捉弄她們一番。而財力雄厚的DOMO2則購買了許多高科技武器、在屋子裡設下重重機關,打算給一天到晚惡作劇的OB一點教訓!問題是,OB真的能靠他的無厘頭創意打敗他的死對頭嗎?
Oops! is a character-driven comedy about how OB the troublemaker turns everyday household items into crazy weapons to battle DOMO2, the rival twin sisters who live in the same house! Mischievous, curious, and energetic, OB is full of crazy ideas on playing pranks and invention! With his creativity, OB turns household items into unconventional lethal weapons, and even forks, toothbrush, and ketchup can become hazardous materials! The battle between the pets is about to begin; yet, can OB defeat DOMO2 using the funny weapons he creates with ordinary household items?
創意核(iNEXT creator)
iNEXT creator, a creator-driven animation studio based in Taipei, is committed to develop multi-platform contents based on characters with strong merchandise appeal. Our core expertise is 3D animation and we have produced about 600 minutes of original TV series for our clients. With creativity, technology and strategy, we will tell the world our story and are looking forward to working with creators, producers, and distributors worldwide.