技術/Technique:3D電腦動畫 3D Animation
此部「超毛星球電腦動畫影集」是酷分仔整合上下游資源,全新規劃開發的原創3D電腦動畫影集,其內容是親子寓教於樂的可愛故事,完全以國際化的幼教娛樂市場需求為導向。毛粒子及他們來自魯魯星球的朋友們共同生活在奇幻的超毛星球中,對於這些可愛的毛茸茸小東西來說,每天都是個新的冒險 ,生活中總是有新的學習及有趣好玩的事情發生;從鬧哄哄的超毛星市集到刺激的遊戲競賽,大夥兒互相幫助彼此學習在這個充滿愛與冒險的世界裡!
The Choobies and their friends from Lulu Island share a fantastic world they call Choobie-land. Every day is an adventure for the adorable fuzzy characters and they learn valuable life lessons on a daily basis. From the hustle and bustle of the Choobie Marketplace to the excitement of the Choobie-Games, the group of friends is all about having fun while learning new things from the wonderful world around them.
酷分仔多媒體(Coolframes Digiworks)
成立於2004年,並於台灣及亞太地區中快速崛起成知名的CG動畫及視覺效果公司。我們所擁有的電腦動畫和電影製作專業, 能為國際市場上製造出具高品質娛樂和教育的產品。目前系列產品已包括為當地電影和電視製作的特效,也有獨立製作原創的CG動畫內容了。此外,我們積極發展不同媒體、平台、類型的3D編排,也期待能和來自不同領域的夥伴們有一起共同合作的機會。
Coolframes Digiworks was founded in 2004 and has quickly grown to be one of the most recognized CG animation and visual effects companies in Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific. With a team of experts in both computer animation and film production, Coolframes persists in the quest to produce high caliber entertainment and educational content for the international market. Current portfolio includes work for local film and television and independent animation productions. Coolframes continues to develop 3D services for various media platforms and looks forward to business opportunities with partners world-wide.