長度/Length:5min 40sec
技術/Technique:2D 電腦動畫 2D animation
2006年“Jokes”動畫系列短片,贏得法國MIPCOM Mobile TV Awards 最佳原創內容獎 (2006 MIPCOM Mobile TV Awards- Best Original Made for Mobile Film or Video Content)的殊榮,以一系列充滿爆笑搞怪的角色、豐富的內容及多元的題材,提供紓壓的管道、學習幽默的人際溝通及情感表達,透過精采有趣的動畫,使人與人之間更加融洽。
In 2006, the short animated film titled “Jokes ” took the Mobile TV Awards for 「Best Original Made-for-Mobile Film or Video Content」at MIPCOM in Cannes, France . The award is the most honorable and encouraging achievement for the studio .
青禾動畫(Green Paddy Animation Studio)
2006年“Jokes”動畫系列短片, 贏得法國MIPCOM Mobile TV Awards 最佳原創內容獎的殊榮,以一系列充滿爆笑搞怪的角色、豐富的內容及多元的題材,提供紓壓的管道、學習幽默的人際溝通及情感表達,透過精采有趣的動畫,使人與人之間更加融洽。
Green Paddy Animation Studio founded in 1991, and the studio aimed at :
1. Creating and developing animation contents.
2. Executing authorization of digital contents and derivatives.
During 2005-2006, the short animated film titled“A Fish With Smile”won lots of international awards including 「The Best Animation of 51st Asia-Pacific Film Festival」、「The Special Prize of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk」…etc .