長度/Length:20min 2sec
技術/Technique:2D電腦動畫2D Animation
POPA Family由魔術師爸爸POPA、女兒YIMA和兒子DUMA所組成,是專為針對學齡前至國小之間年紀的兒童所設計的電視動畫影集,以默劇形式,完全透過畫面、音樂與音效來呈現劇情,主題取材自現代生活中常見的小故事及跨越文化限制的國際性節日中發想,以溫馨感人的故事、幽默風趣的畫面,呈現日常生活中常見的人與事,教導兒童學習面對成長過程的許多問題; POPA Family中充滿了許多魔術、奇幻的場景與巧思,別具創意的情節內容,可刺激小朋友的想像力與創造力,且具有豐富的教育意涵,非常適合父母親與孩子們一起欣賞,讓父母親為孩子們解說故事內容,或者與孩子們一起討論各種生活創意。
“POPA Family” is a television animation series that is specifically designed for preschoolers. The series present what happens in general daily life through touching stories and humorous content and teach children to learn how to face problems while growing up. Each theme of “POPA Family” is to inspire and develop children’s imagination, creativity and wisdom of life.
POPA, a wise magician and a single father living with YIMA and DUMA, his daughter and younger son, always solves problems of daily life with his little magic. Sometimes, DADA and NANA, the dark magician and his assistant, show up to disturb the situation. However, there’s nothing POPA Family cannot handle. The magical POPA Family brings you surprises and laughter in every lovely story.
文瀾資訊(Winland Multimedia)
Since establishment, Winland Multimedia has been specializing in combination of living art and educational learning and expects to provide our clients greater living aesthetics through our multimedia and product design.