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人生點滴 / A Little Bit World


郭思婕 Kuo, Ssu-Chieh




藉由觀看者的靠近,啟動感應推壓滴管將促發溶液滴入盤內,與盤內液體產生化學反應,液面上的顏料粒子噴張擴散形成不可預料的色彩與形態變化。 外來感應促使媒介產生內在分子變化,與外在型態上變化,好比人一生中常有無法預料的際遇,經過磨合有著憂、喜、起、伏,如同顏料粒子之間的碰撞,擴散留下獨特色彩與形態畫面。


I’ve tried to explore the combination of various materials, through experiments I try to construct an interactive installation. As viewers approach the artwork a sensor is triggered. The dishwashing liquid and color liquid will drip on the plate, which in initiates a chemical reaction upon contact with milk. On the surface of the milk color elements will spread out unpredictability just like different moments in everyone's life.
