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展覽理念 Exhibition Introduction



早期以耕種為主的社會,人們是日出而作,日落而息。看著『立春』等播種,『芒種』等收割,與四時節氣共養生息,歲月是晃晃悠悠,日復一日,年復一年。 工業發展改變了生活形式,路上車水馬龍,轟隆隆的作響,時鐘滴答滴地催促著人們在行程與行程之中穿梭,人生是無止盡的規劃,每分每秒的流逝。






Back in the days of agricultural society people attend to the sunrise and sunset. They sow to ‘’the beginning of spring’’ and reap to ‘’grain in ear’’, living along the rhythm of four seasons, day after day, year after year.


Industrial progress changed how we live; mechanical machines roam on the streets, the tick tock of clocks hasten people to follow schedules, life becomes saturated with minutes and seconds and endless planning. In the contemporary the internet has become omnipresent, information is dispersed at the speed of thought, geographical distance collapses in virtual space, relationships intertwine in the real and virtual.


Between the swift exchange of speed and light a seam is cracked open, perceptions ride with wind and thunder, mirroring ourselves and others, mirroring the world as thousands of petals blossoming, continuously emerging meaning, the present, past and future becomes one, condensed into a infinite ray of light.


Time becomes duration in consciousness; memory collects into a stream, emotions become rhythm, affection follows form, at times frantic, other times mild, fluctuating fast or slow, constructing a rhythmic pulse.

