楊朝皓 Yang, Chao-Hao
先祖父過去在那棟宅邸內,曾有一整片庭院、一整層樓的收藏、一整個屋頂的小花圃;然而隨著時間流逝,他愈來愈難爬上樓梯,活動的範圍也愈發縮減,三樓、二樓、一樓;最後一年他鮮少離開臥床,最後一天他只平躺在客廳的一隅,周身被五顏六色的紙花包覆。 人的衰老其實是一種與空間綁定的動態形式;你與你所接觸的空間、你之於這個空間的掌控權力,其程度的消長與你的老邁成反比。權力的縮減或許才是衰老的本質。 我重新仿製一個祖父宅邸內的置物櫃作為整個裝置的外殼,而本體則是一段我將宅邸內的幾個空間透過想像與轉化,將空間內的各種元件拼貼為動畫,配合整個展覽空間的光線、氣氛,試圖表現這段故事內空間的流變與侘寂的視覺美學。
In my grandfather’s previous residence there was a courtyard, a whole floor of personal collection, an entire roof of flowers and gardening; as time passed, it was increasingly difficult for him to climb the stairs, and the scope of his activities slowly diminished, from the third floor to the second floor to the first floor; during his last year he rarely left the bed, and finally one day he laid in a corner of the living room, his body surrounded by colorful paper flowers.
The process of aging is dynamic and bound to space; the space you have contact with, that you’re in control of, is inversely proportional to your senility.
Jurisdiction minimization may just be the nature of aging.
I constructed an imitation of my grandfather’s cabinet to act as the frame of the installation, while the content is an animation of several spaces in my grandfather’s mansion transformed through imagination. Various elements of the space forms a collage for animation, along with the exhibition space, lighting, and atmosphere, I try to capture the dynamics of this narrative with the aesthetics of wabi-sabi.