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簡介 About artist

陳育羣 Chen, Yu-Chun


畢業於台灣科技大學資訊工程系,現就讀國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系碩士班互動藝術組。2012年前往布拉格進行交換學生學習,並遊歷歐洲各國。2013年在布拉格跳蚤市場購入單車,一人一單車遊歐三千多公里,從捷克布拉格〈Prague, Czech〉騎到西班牙世界的盡頭〈Finisterre, Spain〉。其創作熱衷於探索與挑戰新的事物,並不斷的思考新事物的存在意義。


Graduated from information engineering of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, currently attending Taipei National University of Arts mastering in new media arts. Attended an exchange program to Prague in 2012, where he traveled Europe. The following year he bought a bicycle from a flea market in Prague, and biked 3000 kilometers, all the way from Prague to Finisterre, Spain. His works are keen on exploring and challenging new perspectives, reconstructing the meaning of existence for all entities.




