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在死亡的流逝中甦醒 / The Voyage (In the end:The beginning)



在死亡的流逝中甦醒 / The Voyage (In the end:The beginning)

形式: 電腦動畫 / CG animation


媒材: 影像



創作自述 / 王博彥 Po-Yen Wang

非洲面具不僅在藝術上呈現色彩斑斕且富造型性的美學,更為重要的 是每副面具所象徵的神話儀式和社會功能 - 祭祀、祈福、狩獵、治病, 甚而是處決罪犯等。面具儼然成為一種交流的媒介和身分的轉換。其中「 重生」這個意義存在於絕大多數的面具之中。非洲人相信死亡並非生 命的終結,而是轉入到一個新生的狀態,而透過面具進行的儀式能使 人們超脫時空的限制進行一場與神靈的對話。
花同樣具有著多重意義的象徵,許多祭祀也多以花作為獻禮,然而其 神聖特性亦往往來自於短暫的生命。藉由花瓣所組成的種種象徵:蝴 蝶、時鐘、面具,以及花瓣本身輪迴的生命,試圖再現出「重生」此一過程的神聖經驗。


The African masks not only show the colour and shape of aesthetic, but also bring the symbol of myth rituals and social functions. The masks become a type of communicating media and transformations of identities. The meaning “rebirth” exists in most of the masks. The Africans believe that the death is not the end of life, but a process that will lead to rebirth. People can communicate with spirits without the limit of time and space through the rite hold by the use of the masks.

Flowers also have various meanings. Many sacrifices also use flowers as their offers. However the holy features are coming from their brevity life. The petals constituted many symbols: butterflies, clocks, the mask, and the life transmigration of itself. Trying to represent the sacred experience from the course of “rebirth”.
