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異國之火 / Gambia vs Taiwan



異國之火 / Gambia vs Taiwan

形式: 電腦動畫 / CG animation




創作自述 / 藍予聰 Lan Yu-Cong

當我們試著去了解一個國家時,是否可以用不同的方式去進行, 不再是文字、口述或圖像,反而是從一個不真實的影像中體會、感受。 希望能夠透過作品中的煙火,引起觀者對畫面的注意,再從中了解其背後的涵義。

在台灣與甘比亞之間,有著不同數量的煙火火花,其兩者的不同即是背後數據上的差異,這些數據描述了一個國家的樣貌,代表國家的生命,希望透過此方式,能讓更多的觀者了解甘比亞這個國家,以及體會其與本國之間的關聯。 我的創作媒材以觸碰螢幕展示為主,藉由觸碰畫面來選擇類別並發放兩地的煙火,其後將提示觀者這些火花所代表的意義。


Can we try to understand a country by a different way? Not through articles, describes or pictures, but experience and felling from an unreal image. I wish I can catch viewers’ eye from the fireworks in my work, and learn the meanings behind it.

There are various fireworks in Gambia and Taiwan. The difference is only the data behind it. These data described the appearance, the life of a country. I wish I can make viewers understand more truth about Gambia, and experience the connection between her and our homeland.

The creation media of my work is based on touch-screen displaying. Choosing category and shot the firework by touch the screen, then will shows the meaning of it.
