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性別意象/ Gender Stereotype




性別意象 / Gender Stereotype

形式: 電腦動畫 / CG animation


媒材: 影像、複合媒材



創作自述 / 林欣美 Lin Hsin-Mei

動機來自於閱讀曼陀羅寫的《甘比亞河的女兒》 (the daughter of Gambia ),故事中描述甘比亞女兒的成年禮 ”(Initiation),必須要經過割禮(excision)的傳統儀式才可以成為真正成為女人 。不管是在傳統的部落中,還是自古以來女性被定義成為「女人」的方式,常會是充滿性別歧視的觀看方式,根深蒂固的習俗決定了作為女人的命運。



The intention of my work is motivated by reading the article “The Daughter of Gambia River” (written by Mantra, published on Southern Weekly). The story described the ‘coming of age ceremony (initiation)’ of Gambian women. The daughter of Gambia River should experience female circumcision according to the traditional ritual, to become a “real woman”. This kind of way of “becoming woman” that filled with sex discrimination in traditional village or classical definition. Women’s destiny had been decided unfairly by ingrained custom.

The construct of “girl” appears continuously, the dismantling and restructuring toys and the women being watched from classical paintings, trying to reconstructing toys into radial abstract vocabularies through a surrealistic manner. The veiled violence and abstract language hiding behind beautiful paintings, describing the “sex discrimination” that tied by existing concepts.

