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奔跑吧! / Advance




奔跑吧! / Advance

形式: 電腦動畫 / CG animation


媒材: 影像



創作自述 / 黃仲瑜 Huang Zhung-Yu

本作品探討著人類進步與環境變遷的問題,非洲已經不是我們想像中的落後,它已經成為一個開發之地。我們從一個非洲的國家甘比亞開始談起: 甘比亞的國旗,是由綠白藍紅所組成,分別代表樹林、和平、河流、草原,也是本作品的發想起源。






This work tries to probe the problem of human progress and environmental change. Africa is not that dropping behind as we think, she is now a land that well developed. We start the story from an African country, Gambia. The national flag of Gambia contains green, white, blue and red, which means forest, peace, river and prairie. And it is also the idea source of this work.

The video aerial viewing the earth from outer space, then through the primeval forest to the prairie. After that human get involved, wild animals and natural environment are dying and changing.

Finally, what we got and what we lost?

The vision extended from a small African country to the entire world village.

We have only one Earth. How can we human coexistence sustainability with her?




