現在位置:首頁>作品列表works>殘疾不意味著無能 / Disbility Does not Mean Inability

殘疾不意味著無能者 / Disbility Does not Mean Inability



殘疾不意味著無能者 / Disbility Does not Mean Inability
形式: 電腦動畫 / CG animation
媒材: 影像



創作自述 / George Sambou



The story is based on a young and disable boy, who was hated so much by his father upon getting the news that his newly born baby boy was physically disabled. However the mother of the boy vowed to give her son the necessary support which she did with little or no support from her husband. With the support given the boy grew up to become a computer engineer, working for top and well established computer companies.
