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簡介 About artist

游惠喻 Hui-Yu Yu


1990年出生, 桃園人

目前就讀臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所, 過去作品多以互動藝術為主軸, 呈現方式常以3D手法表現, 接觸動畫已不是第一次, 但這次的創作手法不同於過去, 第一次嘗試手繪逐格來創作, 藉由故事的意象來表達出夢境中支離破碎的記憶.


Born in 1990 in Taoyuan.

Currently studying for the master’s degree of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. Most of her past works are interactive arts shown in 3D. This is not the first time using the animation, but the creation technique she uses in this time is different. She tries to create the work by Hand-painted frame by frame for the first time in order to express the broken memory in the dream by the image of the story.





