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看不見的城市-甘比亞 / Invisible Cities-Gambia



看不見的城市-甘比亞 / Invisible Cities-Gambia

形式: 電腦動畫 / CG animation




創作自述 / 李昀臻 Lee Yun-Jen

甘比亞,一個遙遠未知的國家,顯現於甘比亞朋友的隻字片語、動作與我的想像之中,如同忽必烈底下一座座「看不見的城市」, 在馬可波羅的姿態、動作、語調及使用的象徵物之中,搬演著興衰起落,而作品也在觀者的姿態動作中敘述著甘比亞國旗的三個象徵:綠草、紅樹、藍河。卡爾維諾的小說如同設計精巧的魔術方塊,允許讀者自由組合故事的片段,進行多重解讀,而我在魔術方塊的不同切面上投射電腦繪製的3D影像,讓影像在流轉不居的空間中被分割、重組,形成虛實交雜的景象。影像空間層層疊疊,讓觀者可以悠遊穿越於其中,並交織組合成一個繁複多樣的畫面。


Gambia, a distant unknown country. I can only display Gambians’ voices and motions in my imagination. Like the Invisible cities of Kublai Khan. The rise and fall described under the attitude, motion, intonation of Macro Polo and symbols. The work also describes the emblems of Gambia’s national flag, following the motion of viewer: green grass, red trees and blue rivers. The Calvino’s novel is just like a well-designed magic cube, allowing readers to recombining the fragments of the story and have multiple interpretations. In my work, I project 3D computer graphic images on each sides of the magic cube, let the segmentation and reorganization happens on the images in the flowing space, and becoming views of chaos. The image spaces overlapping on each other. The viewer can freely passing through it, and interweave them into a complicated manifold image.
