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簡介 About artist

陳漢聲 Han-Sheng Chen



目前就讀臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所,過去喜歡嘗試各種不同的創作方式,因而接觸了動畫製作,也就此愛上了影像與動畫,並踏上動畫創作的旅程,過去作品有:平滑的夢Dream Smoot、光Light、偉大的平凡人Mothe...等。


Born in 1988.

Currently studying for the master’s degree of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. Thus he likes to try different ways to create, he meat the animation. As a result, he has fallen in love with image and animation from then and started his journey to create animations. Past works: Dream Smoot, Light, Mothe…etc.





