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夏娃克隆啟示錄標本 Revelation of Eve Clone Specimen

林珮淳, 2012


有別於傳統形式的「夏娃 克隆啟示錄文件」之後,「夏娃克隆啟示錄標本」乃試圖以高科技全像媒材的特色,來記錄「夏娃克隆啟示錄」之動態形像、時間與聖經 章節文字,除了更能真實的儲存它的原貌外,又能將其呈像於一張平面全像上,討論了時間的被凝固卻又依觀者的視點被瞬間轉動之新式 文件觀,是具有人工生命的動態文件記錄,創造了一種數位時代的文件新形式,使「夏娃克隆啟示錄」更真實的被記載與建檔。

Following the non-traditional Documentation of Revelation of Eve Clone, Revelation of Eve Clone Specimen continues the attempt to record the dynamic images, times, and Biblical texts of Revelation of Eve Clone using the features of high-tech holographic media. Aside from being able to more truly store its original appearance, it is also able to present it as if across a flat hologram, discussing the new document concept of the solidification of time that instantaneously turns to the moving image according to the viewer's point of view. It is a documentation of the dynamism of artificial life, creating a new form of document for the digital era and enabling Revelation of Eve Clone to be able to be more truly recorded and filed.

