葉謹睿, 2012
這件作品透過網路攝影機來偵測動態,一隻酷似 Twitter 商標的藍色小鳥,隨著鏡頭前的觀者肢體動作起舞。畫面中冉冉上升的五彩氣泡, 只要被這隻小鳥啄到就會即刻破碎,而泡泡中所裝載的銀行商標,在化為烏有之後變成標示這家銀行倒閉日期的鮮紅字句,並且像是失落的夢想般快速地消逝墜落。畫面中間隨著氣球滅而不斷上升的天文數字,象徵這一波金融危機的影響已經遠遠超過一般人所能理解的範圍 。在百業蕭條的今天,《看呀~泡泡!》以聊以自娛的態度,把從2008年至今倒閉的400多家美國銀行的資訊,轉化成為互動的遊戲,藉此反諷庶民在面對金融海嘯時的恐懼、迷惘和無奈。
Bibbly Bobbly is a comical satire on the ongoing global financial crisis. This artist software tracks the movement the viewer makes within the view of the camera. A blue birdy in the style of the Twitter logo flies around the screen following the motion of the viewer. Numerous bobbles carrying colorful logos of more than 400 failed banks flow upwards slowly from the bottom toward the top of the screen. When birdy collides and with these bobbles, they burst easily and the name as well as the closing date of these failed banks will drop like hot bricks. The astronomical number sets at the center of the screen rise at a furious pace after each pop. It is a symbol of how the scope of the financial crisis is completely beyond the understanding of laymen.