吳冠穎+金啟平, 2012
身體是我們在現實世界中獲得訊息、傳達訊息的實體介面, 身體介面的規格雖然大同小異, 但度量衡卻不盡相同。本創作企圖將身體介面與外界溝通的能力, 拓展到已知的感測系統-五感, 眼、耳、鼻、口、四肢與操控系統-器官與肢體之外, 以身體的度量衡資訊來當作介面輸出的訊號來產生聲音。
The body is the entity interface by which we can get the message and convey signals in the real world. Specifications of the body interfaces are similar to each other. However, the measurement system of each part of the body is different. This creation attempts to expand the capacity of the body interface. It is not only included sensory system and limbs but also utilizing the height as output signals to generate notes. At the exhibition, these notes are composed to a song immediately.