紐約普拉特藝術學院(Pratt Institute)客座副教授
作品展於國內外重要美術館及藝術節,如義大利羅馬國家美術館(MAXXI)、德國跨媒體藝術節(Transmediale)、波蘭(ArtBoom)藝術節、紐約皇后美術館、國立台灣美術館等等 。並著有《數位藝術概論》、《數位美學?》、《互動設計概論》等等多本探討科技藝術之專書。
C. J. Yeh is an artist, educator, and published author. He has been exploring the area of new media art which he has integrated into his more traditional areas of study and expression. The juxtaposition and integration of digital and analog, virtual and actual, natural and cultural, articulates his point of view on the changing perception of identity and reality in the digital era. Yeh's prolific exhibition schedule includes showings at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taiwan), the Queens Museum of Art (New York), the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art (New York), and the Kennedy Museum of Art (Ohio). His work has been introduced and reviewed by publications such as The New York Times, World Journal, NY Arts, and Brooklyn Rail. Mr. Yeh's work can also be found in public art collections, such as the MAXXI Museum Net Art Archive and The Joan Flasch Net Art Collection