邱誌勇(Chiu, Chih-Yung),現為靜宜大學大眾傳播學系副教授暨系主任,民間媒體科技與創意產業研究中心執行長、財團法人台北數位藝術基金會監事。畢業於美國俄亥俄大學跨科際藝術系博士(Ph.D in School of Interdisciplinary Arts at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio),雙主修電影與視覺藝術,副修美學。學術專長為新媒體藝術美學與藝術評論、電影電視美學與科技文化研究。曾獲第一屆與第二屆數位藝術評論入選獎(2007, 2008)、並連續四年執行國科會研究計劃,編著有《媒介擬想(4):數位媒體與科技文化》、《媒體科技與文化全球化》、《數位藝述(1)》等書,此外亦有多篇新媒體藝術評論文章刊登於相關雜誌期刊。
Chih-Yung Aaron CHIU is associate professor and chairperson in the Department of Mass Communication at Providence University. He is also the inspector of Digital Art Foundation, and the director of Research Institute for Media Technology and Creative Industries. He has his PhD in School of Interdisciplinary Arts at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, U.S.A., and specialty is on new media art and aesthetics. His articles entitled 'On the Embodied Aesthetics of Digital Arts' (2007) and 'Inter/face: A Reconsideration of Myth of Transparency' (2008) have nominated by Digital Art Awards Taipei (DAA Taipei). Currently, He also participates in the curatorial work. His recent publications include 'Fill in the Blank: On the Position of Spectatorship in the New Media Arts,' 'Textual Blank and Creative Participation: On the Dialectics Relationship between the Creator, Artwork, and Participant on the Interactive New Media Art,' 'The Intervention of History toward Contemporary Era: On Appropriations and Re-creation of Visual Archive Images,' 'City Spectacle and Imagescape: The Multiple Carrier of Contemporary Visual Images,' 'The Work of Art in the Age of Digitized Culture,' and 'Aesthetic Perception of Digitized Art Image in Cyberspace: Toward A Phenomenological Experience' et. al..
2003年,以《Let's Make ART》獲選個展於台北市立美術館。2005年與2006分別以《Immersing ME》《Flow》獲選參展並發表論文於「ACM Multimedia國際研討會。2007年以《Who系列作品創作》獲國家文化藝術基金會科技藝術創作發表補助專案競賽榮譽,並於2008年5月與7月成果展覽於台北鳳甲美術館與國立台灣美術館。
2008年作品《Flowerman》與《All Ways- O's Chatroom》獲選發表於國際電子藝術研討會(International Symposium on Electronic Arts, ISEA)) 。2008作品《Flow》以論文形式,發表於Leonardo國際期刊。2010年策展並統籌「台灣數位藝術脈流計畫-脈波壹:「身體、性別、科技」數位藝術展」,2011年與李清照私人劇團合作完成第一件跨界展演創作《路希安娜娜的晚餐》,並策展「光子+, 2011新北市科技藝術國際邀請展。
Yu-Chuan TSENG Digital Artist, Curator and Researcher. Yu-Chuan Tseng graduated and received Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Applied Arts, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan. Her research interests have been in digital interactive art practice and theories. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at Shih Hsin University, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Taiwan. Yu- Chuan Tseng has an extensive record of art exhibitions and lectures. Her articles about digital art were published in the journals and magazines in Taiwan. She has shown works at the Taipei Fine Art Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, ACM MM 2006, as many more. The net art practices were included in established online exhibition such as Digital Vision 2005, Java Museum and Mobile Image Capture in The New Century. In 2008, Flowerman and All Ways-O's Chatroom were included in the International Symposium on Electronic Arts(ISEA), Artist Presentation Session. Flow was published in Leonardo, 42(1), 98-99. In 2010, As a co-curator and organizer, She curated the Digital Art Exhibition " Taiwan Digital Art Pulse Stream Plan- The First Phase; "Body, Gender, Technology" in Digital Art Center, Taipei . In 2011, She created the digital performance [Dinner of Luciérnaga] with Theatre Company of LeeQingZhao the Private and curated Photon+, The International Techno Art Exhibition of New Taipei City 2011
Ching-Yueh Tseng is a designer who lives and works in Taiwan.He received his Master of Fine Art degree from National Taiwan University of Arts.Currently he try to explore invisible relationship between media and society by visualize data downloaded form internet.Now he is the lecture of Digital Multimedia Department in China University of Technology.