林珮淳1995 年獲澳大利亞國立沃隆岡大學藝術創作博士,為「2 號公寓」及「台灣女性藝術協會」創始會員及理事長,作品展於國內外重要藝術中心,如紐約皇后美術館、法國 Exit and Via 藝術節、台灣國立美術館、台北市立美術館、 高雄市立美術館及台北當代藝術館等。作品被記錄於重要藝術相關書籍如:《英國女性藝術美學期刊》n.paradoxa international feminist art journal 、《藝術、性別與教育》、《台灣當代女性藝術史》、《台灣當代裝置藝術》、《台灣當代藝術》、《台灣當代美術大系》、《數位藝術概論》、《台灣美術史》、《數位美學》、《高中美術課本》、《台灣當代藝術名人錄》、「中國當代藝術年鑑」、「亞洲名人錄」(Asian Who's Who)等。目前為國立台灣藝術大學多媒體動畫藝術學系新媒體藝術研究所教授暨數位藝術主持人。
Prof. Lin Pey Chwen is the art professor and director of Digital Art Lab in National Taiwan University of Arts. Professor Lin received her doctorate degree of Creative Arts from University of Wollongong in Australia and was the chairwoman initiated the department of Multimedia and Animation Arts in Taiwan National University of Arts in 2002. Professor Lin was invited to be the jury and committee member for many national and international art competitions and art festivals such as Taipei Digital Art Festival, Siggraph Taipei international conference and exhibition, Taipei International Flora Exposition, New Taipei Art Award, Taipei Public Art, 404 International Festival of Art & Technology, Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival, and etc., Her artworks and her Lab's works are presented and awarded by many festivals and museums internationally such as National Taiwan Museum of Arts, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, MOCA Taipei, Kaohsiung Museum of Arts, Art Stage Singapore, Taipei Digital Art Festival, Art Project in Australia, 404 art festival in Italy, Shanghai electronic art festival, Queens Museum of Art in USA, and Exit and VIA Art Festival in France. Engain-les Bains Digital Art Festival in Paris. Professor Lin's achievements were recorded in several art books including History of Contemporary Taiwan Woman Artists, Installation Art in Taiwan, Taiwan Contemporary Art, Taiwan Modern Art Series, The History and Development of Digital Art, Art of Taiwan, Digital Aesthetics, Art Island - An Archive of Taiwan Contemporary Artists, High School Art Textbook, Yearbook of Chinese Contemporary Art in China, and Asian Who's Who in Singapore.