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歿日 Dying Sun

another soundscape


後資本時代裡,人類不斷的開發自掘,全球化、戰爭、剝削、壟斷、殖民、環保、人口膨脹、階級性、貧富差距等。所有的問題掩飾在各種商業行為的模式裡,人類習以為常失去了感知能力,身在其中卻無法覺醒,盲目的追求走向無止盡黑暗的深淵。末日論的預言以各種形式在這座城市裡重複發生。署光逐漸消逝,在黑暗來臨之前,母體已自行毀滅,自我的一切無法連續,「崩解」是對這座城市所發出的無聲吶喊 。


Chun-Yu Lai,Installation, 3min, 2011

In the age of post-capitalism, human beings consistently develop and therefore cause problems like globalization, exploitation, monopolization, colonization, environment contamination, population expansion, hierarchicalization, and wealth gap between the rich and poor. All the problems have been concealed among all kinds of commercial activities; hence, people who lose the ability of perception, are unable to awake from this nightmare, and only blindly walk toward a dark abyss. Apocalyptical prophecies have been repeatedly occurred in this city with various forms. Before darkness, light has died away. The matrix has been self-destructed because everything about self cannot be continued. “Disintegration” is the voiceless outcry that has been made toward this city.


