謝慧青 Hui-Ching Hsieh
e-mail: hsu.hsieh@msa.hinet.net
2004~ 輔仁大學跨文化研究所博士候選人
2009 世安美學論文獎,首獎。論文「Cyborg身體再現—基因改造與派崔西亞‧佩契妮妮作品」
2009 第三屆數位藝術評論獎。論文「虛擬身體之身份建構與性別扮演—以網路藝術作品為例」
專長 當代藝術、新媒體藝術、科技文化研究、視覺文化研究、性別研究
文化建設委員會2009, 2010年公共藝術講習執行小組、建築Dialogue雜誌主編、中國科技大學視覺傳達學系兼任講師、
自由時報藝文小組視覺藝術路線記者 、 紐約市美華藝術協會Chinese American Arts Council 客席策畫人 、藝術家雜誌社、藝術新聞雜誌社紐約特約撰述 、紐約中華新聞文化中心台北藝廊行政助理 、
香港明報紐約分社記者 、
◎「虛擬身體i-Body:網路世界中的身體建構與身分認同」線上策展,國美館 台灣數位藝術知識與創作交流平台,2010年12月。
◎「新山水 動水墨」,台北悠閒藝術中心,2010年6 月10日至7月17 日。
◎「意在形外—中國文字的解構與重現」,紐約林肯中心考克畫廊,1998年8 月4日至24日
◎〈從科技文化到視覺藝術:派翠西亞˙帕契妮妮作品的生物混種與身份越界〉, 《美育》雙月刊,2010年11月。
◎〈水墨的當代轉向: 新山水 動水墨策展論述〉,《藝術家》雜誌,2010年9月號。
Hui-Ching Hsieh
e-mail: hsu.hsieh@msa.hinet.net
2004~ Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Institute of Comparative Literature, Fu Jen Catholic
1995 M.A. Liberal Studies Program, Simmons College
1993 M.S. Physics Department, Northeastern University
2009 S-An Cultural Foundation Aesthetics Essay Awards
2009 3nd Digital Art Criticism Awards
Research Areas
Contempery Art, New Media Art, Techno-Culture Studies, Visual Culture Studies, Gender Studies
Current Affiliation
Independent Curator.
Project Director, Economy Research Centre of Taiwan Art Gallery Association.
Lecturer, Center for General Education, Shih Hsin University (2004~), Chung Yuan Christian University (2005~), Chihlee Institute of Technology (2006~), National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences (2009~).
Past Affiliations
2009-2010 Executive Team of Public Art Workshop, Council for Cultural Affairs.
2006-2008 Editor-in-Chief, Dialogue Magazine.
2005 Editor-in-Chief, IN TIME Magazine, TTV Cultural Enterprise.
2004-2005 Researcher, Collection Deaprtment, Yingge Ceramics Museum.
2003 Editor-in-Chief, Art Today Magazine.
1999-2002 Reporter, The Liberty Times Newspaper.
1999 Exhibition Assistant, Taipei Fine Arts Museum,
1998-1999 Guest Curator, Chinese American Arts Council, New York.
1997-1999 Special writes in New York, Artist、”Chiense Art News Magazine”
1998 Assistant, Taipei Gallery, Chinese Information and Culture Center in New York
Curator Exhibition
Curator, Exhibition “i-City,” Taipei Digital Art Center, 2011, March 12-April 10.
Online Exhibition “i-Body: The Body Representation and Identity in Internet,” Taiwan's digital art exchange platform of knowledge and creativity, National Taiwan Museum, 2010, December.
Curator, Exhibition “New Landscape, Moving Ink” in Nou Gallery, 2010, June 10-July 17.
Curator, Exhibition “Nest” in Leisure Art Center and National Hsinchu
University of Education Art Center, 2000, October 29-December 8; NHCUE Art
Space, 2000, December 20- 2001, January 12.
Curator, Exhibition “Beyond Chinese Character,” Cork Gallery, Lincoln Center, New York,
1998, August 4-24.
Books and Chapters in Books
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2009) “The Representation and Gender Identity of the Virtual Body – Discussing the Internet Art”, The 3nd Digital Art Criticism Awards Symposium, Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2009) “Reconstructing the Disappeaing Mangroves in Kaohsiung
Bay – Habitat Observation in the Cijin Wind Power Park”, Council for cultural affairs.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2006) “Gender Ideology in Howl's Moving Castle”, Five Mssters of
Japanese Animation,Locus press.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2005),Modern Art Series - Contemporary Style Pottery, Artist Press.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2001) “Sprinkling Lines”, Pollock, The Complete Works of world famous
painter, Taipei: Artist Press.
Pubilcations in 3 Years
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2011) “Hide and Seek: the mind maze in Tseng Yu-Chin’s works”, National Culture and Arts Foundation, Artcriticism, January, 2011.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2010) “From Techno-Culture to Visual Arts- Cyborg & Hybrid in Patricia
Piccinini’s Works”, Journal of Aesthetic Education, 2010, November.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2010) “New Landscape, Moving Ink: The Transformation of Contemporary Ink Painting”, Artist Magazine, 2010, September, Vol. 178, pp 67-77.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2010) “Taiwan Consciousness in Contemporary Art – the Fine Art
Development for Nearly two Decades Looking from Culture Globalization and Local Point View”, Journal of Aesthetic Education, 2010, May. pp 62-72.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2009) “Edge and Regeneration-Representation of the Spirit and Arts of
Taiwan Contemporary Female Aborigines”, Journal of Aesthetic Education, 2009,
December, Vol. 172, pp 60-69.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2009) “Drifting and Ecology: Arts of Taiwan Contemporary Female Aborigines”, Forum in Women's and Gender Studies, 2009, January, Vol. 89.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2008) “Generative Order: Interview with Toyo Ito”, Dialogue Magazine, 2008, April, Vol. 89. pp 92-97.
Hui-Ching Hsieh, (2008) “Campus Historical Building transform into Modern Museum: Art
Museum of National Taiwan University of Arts”, Dialogue Magazine. 2008, April, Vol. 123. pp 112-115.