核心與邊陲的地域區塊,仍舊是存在著顯著的差異。而交錯來往在這之間,身體產生的斷裂感,讓人迷網自己的歸屬何在。而外在環境的落差侵襲著心智,逼迫自己 能瞬時轉換身體語言,去適應當下現況的種種突發現象。在這轉變間已無法妥善詮釋真實的「我」,無法只保有唯一一種人格型態。
I-Chun Chen, Video , 3mins 08secs, 2009
The initial idea of the piece derives from the intention to express the conceptual difference between the city’s core and margin. By passing in between these two parts of the city in one day, one could sometimes feel a sense of bewilderment, and questions where does one belong?