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人民城寨的生活 Live in RMB City


中國‧翠西在Second Life裡建設了一個主題公園:人民城寨,這裡是一個濃縮了幾乎所有中國當代城市特徵的新城,它是一系列高度自相矛盾的、相互整合的、充滿揶揄與質疑的、同時散佈極度娛樂和政治意識的新中國畫境。

Cao Fei,Video, 25 min, 2009

China Tracy build a city dubbed RMB City within Second Life. This is the condensed incarnation of contemporary Chinese cities with most of their characteristics; a series of new Chinese fantasy realms that are highly self-contradictory, inter-permeative, laden with irony and suspicion, and extremely entertaining and pan-political.
A fantastic, exciting and unpredictable journey, the video ‘Live in RMB City’ follows the first breaths, fears and curiosities of newly born China Sun, the baby of China Tracy, in Second Life. The camera follows baby China Sun’s wanderings and explorations in a revived RMB City, inspired by brand new additions created by a team of artist, writer, architect, and philosopher collaborators, and infused with a fresh stream of life.
