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空屋3 / Vacant Room 3



丁建中Chin-Chung DIN


空屋3 / Vacant Room 3

形式: Digital Audio-VIsual



「空屋系列」(Vacant Room SERIES)為近期關注在結構、運轉與空間中之關係, 藉由機械運轉對應拍攝裝置所完成的錄像作品。影像中,我將旋轉凝結的光體當作一種空間的雕塑,透過光當中可塑與不安的本質,引導相對的本體構成狀態。光粒 組成的光圈,與旋轉繞行的鏡頭,串聯彼此,成為壓縮後,高速移動的時間經驗。而旋轉所創造的重複性運動,不在每回路徑上的差異,而在自然時間的進程中,週 而復始的累積、放大其創作者與觀者在身體經驗上的狀態與情緒。

而空屋系列作品計畫中,透過每次裝置結構的重新編制,以時鐘指針運轉的對應關係(時針、分針、秒針,相對光體運轉方式與鏡頭運轉之間的關係),探討結構運 轉與光之間的可能。影像中,光與鏡頭高速移動的經驗裡,將原先的空間與光圈量體轉向一種感官上的變異,將其可測量性變得矛盾,成為不受意識控制的構成狀 態。時間碎片高速併置、互相交纏,產生有如流體般喪失平衡性、以及陌生的重力經驗,擾動日常中的慣常體認與時間知覺。


The Vacant Room series concerns the relationships among structure, rotation and space. In the video, the rotating light is treated as a sculpture of space which can be shaped by the malleability and variability of light itself. The tracks of light form a rotating light circle, captured by a revolving camera. The repetitive activity created by rotation matters not in the difference of tracks but in the disrupted stability and emotions of both the creator and observers evoked by the experience accumulated with the passing of time.
The Vacant Room series has attempted to investigate the possibilities between structure and light by resetting the device to simulate the corresponding relationship between moving clock hands i.e. the relationship between the light and the camera. The video shows the transformation of space and light into a sensational stimulation of uncertainty. The strings of light circles create imbalance against gravity and overthrow the common understanding of time and space.

