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逝去中的風景─蘇格蘭 / Disappearing Landscape-Scotland



袁廣鳴Goang-Ming YUAN


逝去中的風景─蘇格蘭 / Disappearing Landscape-Scotland
形式:Single Channel Video



2007年的個展「逝去中的風景」我嘗試轉變創作的方向,記錄我的居家、環境、自然等「日常的片刻」。2008年夏天到了蘇格蘭格蘭菲迪(Glenfiddich)酒廠,位於僅有二千多人的鄉下道夫鎮(Dufftown),終於了解一口威士忌需要長時釀造的深入含意。酒廠內的工作規律及平凡,環境極其自然,但負責所有藝術家駐村、外表如同龐克同時也是個專業鼓手的安迪 (Andy Fairgrieve) ,卻似乎是脫離整個穩定結構的一個關鍵人物,這些人事物讓我自然而然的銜接了上次個展對於「日常」及消長的概念。錄像作品中鏡頭穩定的直線來回飛越酒廠內的不同場景、安迪在打鼓、住處後方的森林、我在廚房洗碗、當地年輕人很high的跳著蘇格蘭舞、樂手吹著傳統的風笛等影像。


In the 2007 solo exhibition, "Disappearing Landscape," I made a concerted effort to change my creative direction by recording "moments in daily life" from home, the environment and nature. In the summer of 2008, I was chosen as a resident artist at the Glenfiddich refinery in the town of Dufftown, with a population of around 2000. It was this experience that first made me aware of the care, attention and time it takes to distill whiskey. Although the work patterns at the distillery were ordinary, the surrounding environment was very much nature at its magnificent best. It was there that I met Andy Fairgrieve. He was in charge of the artist's village, but looked like a punk rocker and, as I later discovered, also played rums in a band. He instantly struck me as a key character suitably detached from the stable structure that surrounded us.
The video work flies over different scenes at the distillery; Andy playing drums, the forest behind the dormitory area, me cleaning dishes in the kitchen, local youths dancing a highland fling, a musician playing the traditional bagpipes. In my mind, these people and events were naturally connected to the idea of "daily things," growth and decline used in my last solo exhibition.
