《影像日誌 2》
(浮洲藝術發想村 現地創作 - 選輯)
7 個單頻道影像循環播放
影像日誌2將展出於板橋浮洲藝術發想村駐村所製作的六件影像日誌極短篇,以及將原先在TamTam art Taipei所現地製作的《鄭先喻的滑鼠》,獨立擺放於此次個展的最尾端,再次轉譯其作,在結尾(開端)留下最腐爛的聲音 。
《Animation daily: TamTam art Taipei + Fusu Art Village》 (Site-specific)
Without the preprocess of the script, the characters and the story, etc in advance.
《Animation daily》was a condense image which was picked up from random daily stories in my residency in Art Studio. It became an episode of what had happened here.