(新興糊紙店系列動畫) 2014
此裝置是《紙人展 - 房間》作品之一,以如同嬰兒床鈴,在頭頂旋轉的姿態環繞,燈光投影在無任何痕跡的空白牆壁,在觀眾進入展場空間時由感測器偵測,啟動旋轉裝置,搭配自製的編曲哼唱,招喚兒時吊掛紙紮偶的童年經驗。
《Paper Puppet Zhan- Room》- Rotating paper puppet
This installation is a part of the "Paper Puppet Zhan- Room" art works. It works like a musical toy hanging on a crib which rotates above the head, with light projecting the shadow on the wall. When the sensor detects the audiences entering the room, it starts rotating, with humming tones created by the artist. This summons the artist’s childhood memory of hanging paper puppet.