《紙人展 – 靈靈貳 》 – 場景裝置

《紙人展 – 靈靈貳 》 – 場景裝置


(新興糊紙店系列動畫) 2014


72 x 120 cm



「小時候,爸媽做大人偶,而我做小人偶。」回憶童年,張徐展為節省買公仔的費用,他自製卡通造型黏土玩偶。他將與人偶的關係比作糊紙工藝的產銷關係,糊紙滿足逝者生前的慾望,自製黏土玩偶則是他滿足自己的方式。 — 引自 [張徐展克紹箕裘偶動畫續糊紙技藝] 採訪段落


《Paper Puppet Zhan- No.2 》-Installation

"When I was a child, my parents made big paper puppets, and I did small ones." said the artist. As a reflection of the artist’s childhood,  in order to save money, he made his cartoon puppets with clay. The paper puppets are to fulfill the unmet desire of the death, while the artist’s clay puppets were to satisfy his own pleasure.  That’s how he associates and compares the two types of puppets.