轉轉-流水/轉轉-功夫 Rolling Stones - a murmuring stream/Rolling Stones - Kong Fu

           (Rolling Stones - a murmuring stream/Rolling Stones - Kong Fu)

流水纏綿涓涓,靜聽潺潺之音,千言萬語,天知地知你知我知的盼望。 緩緩波濤拔起,恍如連綿無盡的慾望。 肉身取代山水,毛孔泌出感官。 殊途也可能同歸。 我們必須帶著墨黑色色相環的滿足,和迅速消失的好奇離去。

Rolling Stones - a murmuring stream/Rolling Stones - Kong Fu
(a collaborative work by Yu-Tong Tang and Zhong-Yun Lai)

Form: video, installation
Year: 2016
Dimensions: dimensions variable
Media: video, installation
Artist: Yu-Tong Tang and Zhong-Yun Lai

The murmur of a trickling stream is worth a thousand words said in a subtle undertone. The lapping of the waves reflects our unquenchable desires. Our physical bodies replace landscapes, and overwhelming senses spill out of our pores. We may reach the same goal by different means. Anyway, we must leave by bringing the gratification of endless inkiness and ephemeral curiosity with us.