小屁蟲系列 Bug orz

名稱:小屁蟲系列  (Bug orz)
長度:循環 Loop 尺寸:視展覽空間調整

「bug」是數位產品、軟體等科技工具使用中,無法完全避免的自然狀態。好比我有一隻iphome5,我在購買新機使用開始,就偶爾會遇到相機功能當機的狀況,它並非完全地停擺,我知道它仍在執行某些功能,同時也知道它正常使用下會是什麼樣的影像,但對於超過我理解與想像的結果中生產的影像,卻讓我格外著迷。本計劃是在日常生活中,使用故障的科技產品或是演算中錯誤的狀態,來進行動態與平面的影像創作,例如影像後製軟體After Effects中,當檔案連結的位置改變或是遺失,軟體中該物件的編輯位置便會變成color bar,軟體依然會保存所有的動態設定,並在color bar身上執行。這些毫無意義的影像,其實都完成了我所設定的步驟,只是部分的功能bug而已。

Bug orz
Form: photography, experimental image
Year: 2016
Duration: loop
Dimensions: dimensions variable
Media: digital output, television
Artist: Chen, Han-Sheng 

We may discover “bugs” in almost all technological tools such as digital products and software. For example, I bought a new iphone5 and began to use it. Its camera may malfunction from time to time. I know clearly what the images it would produce if it functions well. Yet the images beyond my understanding and imagination are particularly enchanting to me. This project aims to create moving or graphic image artworks with malfunctioned digital products or algorithms. Take the image post-editing software After Effects as an example. No sooner is a file link relocated or removed, than its editing position in the software becomes a color bar, while the software still saves all the dynamic settings and executes them on the color bar. The resultant meaningless images are actually produced according to the settings I made, though with minor bugs in its functions.