1970年11月11日 November 11th, 1970.

名稱:1970年11月11日 (November 11th, 1970.)
長度:08’01”循環 Loop 視展覽空間調整 
媒材:錄像 Video

這是一則台灣1970年於中山公園塑立孫中山銅像的老新聞。我到中山公園拍攝場景,以動畫的方式示意出這段新聞。我從未經歷過這個時代,因此對我而言,它 僅以鬼魅的方式(不)存在,卻魂牽夢縈的。我在片尾中直接將新聞播報的口白以字幕呈現,但刪除了「國父」字樣,因為此時現實世界的「國父」已然無關緊要, 他只是像夢裡的一種幻影而已,然而對我來說,這種幻影,已經取代了歷史成為現實的了。

November 11th, 1970
Form: projection
Year: 2012
Duration: 08’01” loop 
Dimensions: dimensions variable
Media: Video
Artist: Hsu, Che-Yu

This is an old anecdote about the erection of a bronze statue of Dr. Sun Yat-San in Zhongshan Park around 1970. I shot the scenes of the park, and then represented the news in the way of animation decades later. I did not experience that period. It exists ergo as a ghost that continues to haunt me. I added subtitles to the coda of the news broadcasting and deleted the term “pater patriae,” since the man it refers to has become immaterial in the real world. In other words, he is nothing but a phantom in the dream. As far as I am concerned, however, such a phantom has replaced recorded history and become a reality.