名稱:附加價值 - 5100微型百貨 (Add Value - 5100 mini store)
長度:10’00” 循環
5100 微型百貨,2011年1月成立,以「網路圖標商品」為出發點,結合透明的製作過程、網路社群互動、實體展覽等形式組成。利用不同的介面使同一件作品產生兩種不同的面貌與意義,並以其外型的複製性作為與外界連結溝通的可能。透過獨一性與複製性,手工的生產體現沒有身體的世界,製造價值認定的公平真理。
Added Value - 5100 mini store
Form: image, spatial installation of documents
Year: 2011
Duration: 10’00” loop
Dimensions: dimensions variable
Media: computer, loudspeaker, video and collaged documents
Artist: Wu, Chien-Yi
Founded in January 2011, 5100 mini store treats “products of Internet icons” as its point of departure, ingeniously combining transparent manufacturing process and online social networks with physical exhibitions. It not only creates Janus-faced works with different interfaces, but also channels its products to the external world by virtue of their formal reproducibility. Such exquisite craftsmanship radiates a paradoxical aura of uniqueness and reproducibility, which not only embodies a world without body but also lays down objective criteria for measuring values.
The online shop of 5100 mini store serves as a reflection of the endemic visual phenomenon in the era of online consumption. The online shop is also employed to investigate its brand identification and consumer propensity.