single-channel Video
此作品紀錄了從配料場堆車至豬場中間的聲音,以及畫面為豬隻從遠方聽見堆車聲音就衝往欄杆門口,高分貝不間斷嘶 吼著等候食物到來的過程。
此工作在豬場為最吵雜,最混亂的景象,此作品藉由慢和無聲來描述與紀錄出,在這些搶飯碗不斷尖叫,越吵雜越暴動 混亂的狀態下,越高分貝肉體們越擠扭表示越健康,我的心境總是在這些混亂的當下感到最為最平靜與安穩。 作品以會動會叫之壁紙概念來呈現。
This piece of work includes the sounds heard along the way from the carts starting off the feed mixing plant to the pigsty, as well as the visuals of pigs charging toward the fences once they hear the carts coming from the distance and grunting ceaselessly at the top of their lungs when expecting the feed.
Demonstrating the loudest and the most chaotic part of one's work at a pig farm, it presents through slow motion and silence in the most part a seemingly contrasting fact: in the world of pig breeding business, the more frenzied, clamorous and jostling the animals get when they compete over feed, the healthier they are in actuality. Oddly enough, I find the most stable peace of mind in the most unstable realities.
The concept of this piece is realized via moving and sounding images projected on the wall as wallpapers.