此作品藉由紀錄飼料製作過程,所發出來常被他人稱為「噪音」的聲音編織出的聲音設計,透過作為輔角的影像紀錄中原物料在攪拌軌上 堆積 崩塌 潰堤 溢出 等現象,呈現對世界生態能源供需平衡之感受與期盼。
"Sound" is an integral part of fodder factory. The sound of machines tells if they are functioning normally, signals a "work mode" and dictates the progress of work. While at work, workers need to listen to the sounds of all types of machines attentively, determine progress and decide what button to press. Raw material goes in from the right and comes out from the left. One batch after another, the material is taken to the barrels at the other side of the factory. Consisting of repeated steps and separated by paralleled rows of procedures, the production process works much in the same way as a typewriter. The da da sound resembles the sound of confirmation inside a plant - a sound that brings hope and stability to everyday living for me and my family.
Using sounds of the production process - sounds normally regarded as "noises" - as the design elements, and with the inclusion of imagery as a supporting role, this sound installation records the piling-up, tumbling, breaching and spilling-out of material - common scenes on a conveyor belt - to present the artist's impression and hope for balanced supply and demand of the world's natural resources.