single-channel Video

「SLOT MACHINE」這部作品記錄了我在豬舍工作中很重要的各配種生產環節。
此部紀錄片延續了我對豬舍為萬花筒的想像,並藉由SLOT MACHINE的形式來表達我於人工授精、自然交配授精,這兩項豬舍重要工作中,等待成功結果的情緒與想像。
This film, Slot Machine, is a record of an important aspect of my work at the pigsty – the mating and breeding of pigs.
Under natural settings for mating, a healthy female pig can give birth to 6 to 9 piglets, but through artificial insemination, a female pig could easily gestate 10 to 21 piglets. Each piglet carries a price tag of 1000 yuan. Thus, to raise the financial returns on a pig farm, artificial insemination has replaced natural mating methods.
It takes about six months before the results of an artificial insemination effort can be determined. Being under constant economic pressure, and wanting to maximize my own time and effort, this process of inseminating a pig and then waiting for results felt like I was playing the slot machines each time I artificially inseminated a pig.
This documentary is a continuation of my kaleidoscopic vision of the pigsty. Here, the Slot Machine theme accurately expresses my feelings of anxiety and my imagination as I wait for results after breeding, whether from natural mating or artificial insemination -- one of my most important tasks at the pig farm.