急救過程中,母體排斥著侵入自身的外物,使得手臂不斷強烈壓迫著,肌肉線條隨著難產壓迫與被壓迫的時間增長,越感緊繃明顯。 鏡射的盡頭將母體包裹著,手臂在母體中被壓迫發麻失血無感狀,仍必須在摸不著盡頭、看不見的熱燙母體裡,搜尋著期盼的生命與希望到來。生命體的掉出,紀錄出接生過程與生命本體存在的某種騷動關係。也對應對照著創作者自身,在X任務接生急救過程中,強烈的侵入與被侵入感,以及搜尋著某種慾望之狀態。
This work records the process of providing emergency treatment to a sow experiencing a difficult labor.
At the end of these mirror reflections lies a covered mother's body. Squeezed by the interior of the body, the arms have gone numb. Still, blindly inside the seemingly borderless and heated body, they are looking for the anticipated life and the coming of hope. The dropping of a living object suggests there is a dynamic relationship between midwifery and life itself. It also speaks to the artist, who, in providing emergency treatment while carrying out the X mission, feels a strong sense of intrusion and being intruded, and a state in which she searches for desires of some kind.
Midwifery SOP – Covering hands with lubricant and sticking them into the mother's body for the rescue. Visual presentation features oiliness and stickiness. These impressions, along with pain, are the ones experienced by the artist strongly while carrying out midwifery for the sows. This documentary portrays bodily experiences through visualization – ones that the artist has no other way of describing. It also implies a sort of restlessness inside the artist, who is paralyzed by the excessive information in today's society. It finally draws a collective lesson for the society to call for an emphasis on life.