single-channel Video

這部作品叫做豬五花,豬五花是我替家中健康的豬所取的名字,2008年家中原本的飼料工廠事業受到整個大環境影響, 原物料不斷上漲之下導致家中經濟上出了狀況,為了克服經濟問題因此把飼料事業給暫緩,轉投入養豬這副業。而在為了節省一切開銷之下也把豬舍的員工都辭去,從此擁有兩千多頭豬的豬舍,所有工作都落在我和爸媽的身上。為了家計,我脫下水晶指甲換上雨鞋,全心全力到豬舍幫忙。
在豬舍,每天大量勞力工作中,我和家人每天所期待的就是豬群們都有健康的表現,健康的豬會繞著飼料桶旋轉進食,由此讓我覺得,豬舍就像是一個萬花筒! 我紀錄了每天工作中所期待的健康豬表現畫面,並將紀錄畫面編織成想像的萬花筒狀。炫目的萬花筒畫面健康的豬群不斷出現、旋轉,呈現出我和家人希望豬群保持健康讓家中經狀況好轉的期望,也企圖希望能在這部紀錄片當中, 健康豬群炫麗萬花筒畫面不斷呈現之下,可以多多少少減輕家人面對經濟狀況上的壓力。
This film is entitled "Pig Five Flower." I call all the healthy pigs on our farm Pig Five Flower. In 2008, our family's pig-feed business became a victim of problems in the larger economic environment that led to rising prices on raw ingredients. We temporarily halted production, and focused on the pig breeding business to use up our leftover stocks of pig feed. As a cost-cutting measure, we laid off all of the employees at the pig farm, and my mom and dad took on the work of caring for the 2,000 pigs on the farm. I took off my nail extensions, put on my wellington boots and pitched in to help out at the pigsty.
Our entire focus for every hard-working day on the pig farm was the health of the pigs. One of the signs of healthy pigs is that they will circle around the trough as the food cylinder rotated and dispensed food. Visually, it reminded me of a kaleidoscope. I documented the ideal image of healthy pigs that we'd hoped to see each day we worked at the pigsty, and edited the recorded images into the kaleidoscope that I'd imagined -- a kaleidoscope that turned out herd after herd of healthy pigs, representing my family's hope for economic recovery. I also hope that through this documentary, this continuous kaleidoscope of healthy pigs would lessen the pressure my family feels about our financial situation.