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克里斯多夫.椎格 作品Work


克里斯多夫.椎格 出生於蘇黎世,在靠近達渥斯的瑞士山間長大。曾在布魯塞爾就讀比利時國立剛勃高級視覺藝術學院和於瑞士琉森的視覺藝術學院。1996年他拿到一年的獎學金,搬到紐約,於長島市當代藝術機構的P.S 1研讀國際攝影課程。自此,他再也沒有離開過紐約。
椎格是國際級藝術家,他的概念投射於裝置藝術、畫畫、雕塑、錄像以及影像為主的媒體,以探索災難相關的問題以及媒體氣息濃厚的文化。他的作品在全世界的藝廊和藝文機構裡展出,包括: 巴西聖保羅的公共當代美術館、德國柏林現代藝術中心、南韓的光州雙年展、法國巴黎的龐畢度中心、瑞士蘇黎世美術館、俄羅斯莫斯科雙年展、英國倫敦的統一畫廊(Union Gallery)、英國利物浦雙年展、北愛爾蘭德里的蘭花畫廊(Orchard Gallery)、西班牙馬德里的藝術博物館Alcala 31、墨西哥市卡里諾吉爾當代藝術博物館,還有紐約的布魯克林博物館、惠特尼美國藝術博物館與羅伯零藝術畫廊。
他的作品被各地機構收藏,包括: 惠特尼美國藝術博物館、紐約布魯克林美術館、瑞士蘇黎世美術館及法國巴黎的龐畢度中心。

Christoph Draeger 

Born in Zurich and raised in the Swiss mountains near Davos, Christoph Draeger studied at Ecole Superieure des Art visuels de la Cambre, Brussels and School of Visual Arts, Lucerne, Switzerland. In 1996, he moved to New York on a one year-scholarship to the International Studio Program at P.S 1, Institute for Contemporary Art, Long Island City. He never left New York again. 
Draeger is an international artist whose conceptual projects take form in installation, drawing, sculpture, video, and photo-based media to explore issues pertaining to disaster and media saturated culture. His work has been exhibited with galleries and institutions world-wide: Paco das Artes in Sao Paulo/Brazil, Kunstwerke in Berlin/Germany, Kwangju Biennial, South Korea, Centre Pompidou in Paris/ France, Kunsthaus Zurich/Switzerland, Moscow Biennial/Russia, Union Gallery in London/UK, the Liverpool Biennial/UK, Orchard Gallery in Derry (Northern Ireland), Alcala 31 in Madrid/Spain, Carillo Gil Museum in Mexico City among others; as well as at the Brooklyn Museum, the Whitney Museum and Roebling Hall in New York. Draeger’s work is in the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, the Brooklyn Museum, New York; Kunsthaus Zurich, Switzerland; and Centre Pompidou, Paris, France. His latest film, Hippie Movie (53 min, 2008), was shown at MoMA Museum of Modern Art in New York in February 2010.
He lives and works in New York and Vienna.

