現在位置:首頁>藝術家簡介 About artist>西拉瑞.古柏薩森 Hilary Koob-Sassen

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西拉瑞.古柏薩森 作品Work


1975 年出生於紐約 ; 居住、工作於倫敦
其中的歌曲以及幾項不同的演出是和大提琴家-錯誤主義者安德烈亞斯科勒共同合作。(www. TheErrorists.com) 。
目前他正著手進行一部長篇電影《Transcalar Investment Vehicles》(Transcalar投資工具), 並因此獲得了倫敦弗萊明製片的電影輔導金。


Hilary Koob-Sassen 

1975 New York. London-based

With text, song, sculpture, film and performance Hilary Koob-Sassen names, models, inhabits and discusses processual landscapes of scientific and political proposals. His recent project Faith In Infrastructure traverses a four-dimensional model of the living and the built in time. Typically, Faith In Infrastructure took form as a manifesto, six sculptures, and an architecturescale video. Its 6 songs and several of a variety of performances were made in collaboration with the cellist Andreas Köhler as The Errorists. (www.TheErrorists.com) Koob-Sassen is a visiting lecturer and critic to graduate students in the fields of art, architecture and performance.

