她的概念性計劃案多元取件,包括:錄像、裝置、雕塑、素描與攝影。她強調介於台灣與歐洲的當代學術文化交流。她也對創意社群的合作想法感到興趣。故,為一藝術合作平台 AKTY 的發起人,旨為跨領域的合作想法實踐。
Ada Kai-Ting Yang, born 1982 in Taipei. She studied at Chelsea College of Art & Design, University of the Arts London.
In 2009, she moved to Fukuoka on a three months-internships to the 4th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale- Live and Let Live: Creators of Tomorrow at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum.
She has curated shows in Europe and Asia. Including the most recent shows at IT Park Taipei- Time Machine & Anywhere Door and Digital Art Center Taipei – New Narrative.
Yang is a curator whose conceptual projects take form in video, installation, sculpture, drawing and photography with emphasis on contemporary cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Europe. Yang is also interested in ideas of collaboration within the creative community. Thus she is the founder of AKTY, art collective platform.

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