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藝術家簡介 About artist

奧斯瓦多.馬西亞  個人網站 email 作品Work

In my work I seek to question assumptions about knowledge and perception. The ways in
which we attempt to understand our place in the world is structured through conventions
and expectations that often overwhelm our own direct perception of what surrounds us. I
am particularly concerned with how the external stimuli we receive from the world is
translated into images and information through our senses, mediated by what-we-thinkwe-
I strive in my work to make a move from an ocularcentric mode of perception, claiming
sound, smell and vision in an expanded sensorial mode of perception. Such a process
breaks the assumptions we use to structure the world, undoing a misplaced belief in
singular and objective knowledge. My compositions are formed from images, objects,
sounds and smell. Whether object, video or image, the works operate as sculptures in that
they occupy space, pulling and pushing all that surrounds them for their own ends.
Sculpture is concerned with the relationships people have to the objects that form the
world we experience; in utilising a wider perceptual range my work opens itself to
subjectivity over objectivity, experience over knowledge.
Throughout my sound-sculptures, smell-sculptures, videos and installations I aim to
create encounters that initiate and reflect upon multiple relationships with what-isbelieved-
to-be-reality. My artistic practice sets out to complicate what-we-think-we-know
by offering counter-perceptions in proposals to look harder, listen more acutely and pay
attention to the sense of smell in order to think deeper about the structures of knowledge
we rely on to construct that which is taken for knowledge.

--Oswaldo Maciá, 2011


Oswaldo Maciá  website email

