In Talking Forest 語林

Wei-Hao Tseng, In Talking Forest, Interactive Installation, Dimension Variable, 2012.
This work uses conductive ink and pencil as intermediaries. The interactive white noise created through the introduction of people and the contact of fingertips on conductive ink creates a combination of visual, tactile and aural experience. With this work Tseng seek to express my feelings at finding myself in a sound landscape. In the environment in which we live, each conversation or sound has its own unique frequency. However, as people converse with each other or interact with the natural environment they are also penetrated by these unique frequencies. As such, Tseng wanted to create a visual and aural sensation that allows people to physically view those frequencies. The black areas in the work represent a frequency chart derived from recorded conversations and sounds from nature.
When these are placed vertically they look very much like trees. It is through this connection that viewer would be able to imagine conversations as a forest, something that although invisible to the human eye surrounds all of us. Tseng utilize this visual form and the interactive sound created from contact with people in a way that allows us to feel first hand the sensation of being penetrated by sound. In this way, viewers are transported into a forest landscape made from words and sound.